
Vaginal Rejuvenation Specialist Doctors Manhattan NYC

Vaginal rejuvenation is offered by the top rated board certified plastic surgeon of the Manhattan, New York based Labiaplasty Center NYC. Our highly trained plastic surgeon and his dedicated staff routinely perform vaginal rejuvenation procedures at our state-of-the-art boutique surgical suite. Many women experience self-consciousness due to their intimate areas’ changing appearance and sensation over time as a result of aging or childbearing. It can happen through natural childbirth or the aging process and manifest as stretched labia minora/majora or a stretched vaginal wall, both of which can lead to symptoms such as lack of vaginal sensation or ability to attain sexual arousal.

At the Labiaplasty Center NYC, our world-class board certified plastic surgeon regularly performs vaginal rejuvenation surgery in our cutting-edge boutique surgical suite. In order to tighten and regenerate the vagina following delivery, the aging process naturally, or hormonal imbalances, many women turn to medical intervention. Women can regain a younger-looking and feeling vagina by having a vaginal rejuvenation performed by our top rated team of cosmetic surgeons. A variety of surgical procedures known as vaginal rejuvenation can enhance the look, feel, and performance of your vagina and its surrounding tissues, including your labia and perineum. The labia are shrunk and the vaginal muscles are contracted to achieve this.

Symptoms Associated with Vaginal Rejuvenation

  • Lack of vaginal lubrication
  • Loss of labial tone
  • Vaginal itching / burning
  • Vaginal discomfort during daily activities / exercise
  • Self-consciousness
  • Urinary Incontinence
  • Pain during sex
  • Vaginal Looseness

A variety of cutting-edge, minimally invasive methods are used in vaginal rejuvenation surgery to revive the vagina and make it feel and appear younger. Each vaginal rejuvenation procedure is specifically designed to address the individual anatomical and aesthetic needs of each patient. 

Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedures offered by the Labiaplasty Center NYC

    • Labiaplasty: Depending on the patient’s individual anatomy and surgical preferences, this operation may be carried out in a surgical or non-surgical setting. By eliminating extra tissue from the labia minora, labia majora, or both, a labiaplasty reduces the size of the labia as a whole. Your top rated plastic surgeon makes a small incision on the labia and trims away any extra tissue or fat. Dissolving stitches are carefully placed at the incision site.
    • Pelvic Floor & Perineum Tightening: This procedure aims to repair the appearance of the perineum, which can become misshapen as a result of vaginal trauma (commonly natural childbirth). Your board certified plastic surgeon employs this procedure in order to tighten the pelvic floor and perinuem. 
    • Vaginoplasty: The goal of vaginal surgery is to tighten the vaginal wall, which can loosen as a result of childbirth or the aging process. During a vaginoplasty, the perineal body at the vaginal opening and the pelvic floor muscles are restored. This helps in the treatment of persistent conditions like vaginal numbness and urinary incontinence. The patient’s vagina will look tighter and younger as a result of undergoing a vaginoplasty.

Many patients opt to undergo a single procedure or all of the above, depending on their anatomical needs and cosmetic desires. The vaginal rejuvenation procedure takes 1-3 hours depending on your individual treatment plan and post-surgical goals. The recovery time is about 1-2 weeks and you must refrain from having intercourse for at least 6 weeks following your vaginal rejuvenation procedure with our team of best in class board certified plastic surgeon in order to ensure proper healing. 

If you have any questions in regards to vaginal rejuvenation surgery and would like a complimentary consultation with the board certified NYC Plastic Surgeon, Dr. John Hunter, MD, FACS, please feel free to contact our NYC office for a complimentary labiaplasty consultation or request a consultation online using the eForm on the right. Cosmetic genital surgery is a private matter. All information is kept confidential.

If you are an out of town patient interested in a complimentary consultation please refer to this link for more information: Out of Town Labiaplasty Surgery Patient Information.

Labiaplasty Center NYC
461 Park Ave S, #7L
New York, NY 10016
(212) 481-3555

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    Labiaplasty Center NYC
    461 Park Ave S, #7L
    New York, NY 10016
    (212) 481-3555

